Articles by General Disdain

The Critical Movie Critics

I'm an old, miserable fart set in his ways. Some of the things that bring a smile to my face are (in no particular order): Teenage back acne, the rain on my face, long walks on the beach and redneck women named Francis. Oh yeah, I like to watch and criticize movies.

Movie Review: Frankie and Alice (2010)

It’s been said, that if you want to get nominated for an Academy Award, all you have to tackle is the part of a crazy person or, better yet, a retarded one (yeah, come to think of it, retarded is always a better choice to make). Halle Berry already has herself a well-deserved Oscar (Monster’s…

Movie Review: The Company Men (2010)

Billing a cast of has been heavyweights whose performance range from wooden to nearly wooden, The Company Men, is a movie that tries really, really hard to be serious in its approach to providing a look at the current state of affairs of the American worker. Unfortunately, the story arc for each of the protagonists…

Movie Review: The Dilemma (2011)

Hey Winona, it’s good to see you! It was pleasing to see you had a bit role in the acclaimed The Black Swan (even though you managed to escape without any en pointe scenes). It’s not, however, so pleasurable to see you in The Dilemma. Actually, it’s not much fun to see anyone in Ron…

Movie Review: Yogi Bear (2010)

What would you do if you knew where a bear lived that could construct complex machinery, carry on an intellectual conversation, and didn’t like the taste of human flesh? You’d exploit it for money of course — especially if it was the only way to save your livelihood. Have it perform a one bear show…

Movie Review: Rabbit Hole (2010)

The loss of a child. There is probably no worse pain for a parent to have to endure, especially if the child is taken at a young age. A flood of intense emotions — confusion, anger, hate, fear and guilt — can tear apart the strongest individual and the stablest of marriages. It is wreaking…

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