Tony Gilroy

Movie Review: The Bourne Legacy (2012)

Jason Bourne is one of the more intriguing film characters of the past decade. He methodically and purposefully found out who he was, who was responsible for his condition, and attempted to bring everything back together again. Even better, he was not a superhero; Jason was just a guy who went through a lot of…

Movie Trailer: The Bourne Legacy (2012)

With Matt Damon out of the production, there was really only two ways Universal Pictures could have kept the highly successful franchise going: Hire a new lead as Jason Bourne and do a prequel or hire a new lead as a wholly new character and fit them into the aftermath of the Bourne fiasco. They…

Movie Review: Michael Clayton (2007)

Michael Clayton is the directorial debut of Tony Gilroy (better known for his Bourne series screenplays). It stars George Clooney as Mister Clayton himself; a fixer of things in need of a solution (think Winston Wolfe in Pulp Fiction, only not as polished). He finds himself in the middle of two situations — one personal…

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