Elizabeth Banks

Movie Review: Invincible (2006)

It’s been a while since there has been a worthwhile feel-good movie released into the theaters. Last ones that come to mind are “Rudy,” “Lucas” and who can forget, “Rocky.” “Seabiscuit” doesn’t count. Interestingly enough, the plot of Invincible follows amazingly close to “Rocky.” A Philadelphia son, down on his luck (no money, no wife,…

Movie Review: The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005)

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip horray! I’ve waited patiently for a good comedy to come along and make me laugh. And since Hollywood hasn’t done much of a job coming out with anything worthwhile for quite sometime, I decided to pin my hopes on gut-wrenching adolescent humor on The 40 Year Old Virgin. I wasn’t…

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