
Movie Trailer: The Bourne Legacy (2012)

With Matt Damon out of the production, there was really only two ways Universal Pictures could have kept the highly successful franchise going: Hire a new lead as Jason Bourne and do a prequel or hire a new lead as a wholly new character and fit them into the aftermath of the Bourne fiasco. They…

Movie Trailer #2: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

The second trailer for the highly anticipated reboot The Amazing Spider-Man has hit the airwaves today. Unlike the teaser trailer released in July of last year, this one offers a more defining glimpse into what the movie is about. In a nutshell, self-discovery. Peter Parker sets out to understand why his parents abandoned him while…

Movie Review: Chronicle (2012)

In Chronicle, Josh Trank’s (who’s previously worked on TV’s “The Kill Point”) theatrical debut, we learn that, much like how it is with young love, when high school students are confronted with superpowers, things can quickly escalate from skipping stones and playing aeronautical football to committing crimes of passion and bouts of melodrama. Yet, despite…

Movie Review: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)

Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is a follow on to the 2008 worldwide hit “Journey to the Center of the Earth” which starred Brendan Fraser. In this one, Fraser has been unceremoniously replaced by former WWE star Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson who plays shunned step-dad Hank Parsons to spoiled Sean Anderson (Josh Hutcherson). As Hank…

Movie Trailer: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012)

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is back in his latest kid friendly flick, Journey 2: The Mysterious Island. He takes on the role of buff stepfather to Sean, the teenaged kid involved in the “Journey to the Center of the Earth” adventure. (Brendan Fraser couldn’t be bothered to make the sequel apparently). This adventure takes the…

Movie Review: The Grey (2012)

Joe Carnahan’s The Grey falls in line with an intimate, frequently grueling genre of films that serve as potent reminders of why humankind builds cities. Pitting eternally grizzled survivor Liam Neeson and a dwindling crew of compatriots against a vicious, unrelenting nature, the film gets off to a strong start before mooring itself in thinly…

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