
Movie Review: Tactical Force (2011)

Former WWE wrestler Steve Austin, it seems, has become the new luminary of straight-to-video action films. Arriving after Damage, The Stranger, Hunt to Kill and Knockout, 2011’s Tactical Force was made by newcomer writer-director Adamo P. Cultraro, and his inexperience shows. A high-gloss action-thriller, Tactical Force solely aimed to provide some brainless thrills, but it…

Movie Review: Hugo (2011)

There’s a lot of hoopla surrounding Martin Scorsese’s latest, Hugo, which is the director’s introduction to family films, and the only one to utilize 3D technology. Not run-of-the-mill praise, I’ve heard phrases like “timeless,” “a masterpiece,” and “one of the best movies about filmmaking ever made,” being thrown about. And because I have no life…

Movie Review: Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil (2011)

2005’s low-budget, halfway-charming Hoodwinked! developed into a minor hit despite its humble origins, but does anyone out there honestly remember it? More pertinently, who genuinely wanted to see a sequel? Limping into cinemas almost six years after its predecessor, Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil is easily one of the worst animated movies ever made to…

Movie Trailer #2: Brave (2012)

Since the teaser, which was released in June, didn’t delve much into the story of Brave (choosing to instead focus on artistry and mystery), Disney-Pixar has finally released a full theatrical trailer which presents more of the story arc for their latest animated adventure. Denied allowance into the trials of the first borns because she…

Movie Trailer: Mirror Mirror (2012)

It seems just like yesterday, a trailer for an updated take on a fairy tale was released. Oh wait, it was and for the same fairy tale too (Snow White and the Huntsman)! This adaptation from the imaginative mind of Tarsem Singh has more comedy and a family fun flair to it, and to be…

Movie Review: In Time (2011)

I often feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to get everything done (I could always use a few more hours for movie watching!), but such complaining pales in comparison to the plight of the citizens of Andrew Niccol’s sci-fi parable In Time. For them, time is their lifeblood and not having…

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