
Movie Review: Sin City (2005)

Wow. Another comic book . . . err, I mean graphic novel to movie adaptation. Which one am I talking about now? Sin City of course. An obscure graphic novel by the man who single-handedly made Batman cool again — Frank Miller. Although, most of the latest comics to movies have sucked ass (see “Elektra,”…

Movie Review: Hostage (2005)

Let’s begin by saying I like Bruce Willis. Always have. Any man that bagged Demi Moore is alright in my book. So I looked forward to checking out his latest movie Hostage. How can Hollywood screw up a movie that seems so similar to one of the greats: Die Hard? Movie starts off great. Motherfucker…

Movie Review: Elektra (2005)

How is it possible to create a worse movie than “Alone in the Dark?” Easy, dump out a piling heap of shit and title it Elektra. Now let’s be realistic. I knew the movie was going to be a waste of time and money. I watched this movie for two reasons. One, it was free….

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