
Movie Review: Calcutta Taxi (2012)

Lives briefly intersect when a backpack is whisked off in a cab without its owner in Calcutta Taxi, a fast-paced picture about chance and the importance of perspective. Highly energized at every turn, the story begins with Canadian art student Adi Chaterji (Sunnie D’Souza) about to hunt down his missing backpack in the midst of…

Movie Review: Hatch (2012)

The fate of a newborn baby is the central focus of the movingly melancholic drama Hatch, but the child essentially adopts the role of emotional McGuffin throughout a narrative that digs deeper in its adult exploration of responsibility. Eschewing sentimentality for a plaintive poignancy, writers Karl Goldblat and Christoph Kuschnig (who also directed) divide the…

Movie Trailer: Moneyball (2011)

Forced to build a contending major league baseball team on a budget, Billy Beane, the general manager of the Oakland A’s, turns to statistical analysis to draft his players. Traditionalists of the game, however, see this as gaming the system — effectively ripping the fun and purity from the game they hold dear. Based on…

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