
Movie Trailer #2: The Avengers (2012)

A second trailer for Marvel’s The Avengers has gone viral. More in the way of how and why the team is formed can be found within, with, surprisingly, special attention being paid to the growing pains associated with so many super-egos sharing the stage. But for those longing for some explosions, don’t fret, there are…

Movie Trailer #3: John Carter (2012)

The final trailer for John Carter is here and it couldn’t come any sooner — I for one am tired of the media blitz behind this. That being said, it is impressive to look at. The story may be derivative at this point, but Disney spared no expense in the effects department. The CGI rendering…

Movie Review: This Means War (2012)

Well it is mid-February and already my hope is that This Means War is the worst movie I will sit through all year. It’s a waste of talent and utterly senseless . . . which would be fine if it happened to be funny as advertised. Instead, the screenwriters — Timothy Dowling and Simon Kinberg…

Movie Review: The Vow (2012)

Although I got a review out of it (making the experience a humanitarian effort), I take great pride in knowing I’m one of the few men comfortable enough with my masculinity to see a movie like The Vow. If its premise — the “true (at least by Hollywood’s standards) story” of love and the lengths…

Movie Trailer: The Bourne Legacy (2012)

With Matt Damon out of the production, there was really only two ways Universal Pictures could have kept the highly successful franchise going: Hire a new lead as Jason Bourne and do a prequel or hire a new lead as a wholly new character and fit them into the aftermath of the Bourne fiasco. They…

Movie Trailer #2: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

The second trailer for the highly anticipated reboot The Amazing Spider-Man has hit the airwaves today. Unlike the teaser trailer released in July of last year, this one offers a more defining glimpse into what the movie is about. In a nutshell, self-discovery. Peter Parker sets out to understand why his parents abandoned him while…

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