Sony Pictures Entertainment

Movie Trailer: Carnage (2011)

Being the responsible parents that they are, when their boys get into a scrap in the schoolyard, the Cowan’s and Longstreet’s meet up to discuss the events. As the day progresses, however, it’s these “upstanding” parents that act more outrageous and childlike. Based off of the play “God of Carnage,” Carnage, directed by Roman Polanski,…

Movie Review: The Ides of March (2011)

Compare experienced political operatives with their interns and you’ll see more than wrinkled faces and less hair up top separates them. The interns still have fresh ideals and expectations of the candidates they choose to support; the experienced staffers know better. There was a point on a campaign in their past where their own ideals…

Movie Review: The Smurfs (2011)

Ah, those lovable, enchanted, small blue creatures known as the Smurfs — many of us Generation Xers grew up with Peyo’s creation on Saturday morning with a bowl of cereal. Our children have not, and seeing a vast untapped resource, Sony Pictures decided to do a remake of the classic cartoon. Now some critics have…

Movie Review: Moneyball (2011)

Much like athletes, who run on daily workouts, strict diets, and practice, sports films operate on inspiration. And there’s something about the genre that makes grown men cry their eyes out. Perhaps it’s the machismo, making even the most collected male feel comfortable in shedding a tear or two (definitely more masculine to get emotional…

Movie Review: Straw Dogs (2011)

Sam Peckinpah’s “Straw Dogs” released theatrically in 1971. Based on the novel “The Siege of the Trencher’s Farm” by Gordon Williams, it came out the same year as “A Clockwork Orange,” “The French Connection,” and “Dirty Harry,” causing quite the uproar from conservative Americans, who were worried about the increase of violence in movie houses….

Red Band Movie Trailer: The Raid (2011)

In a well timed release (it is currently showing at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and receiving high praise), comes the first trailer for the Indonesian action flick The Raid. This high octane shoot ’em up and kick their ass fest follows a team of highly trained SWAT officers as they raid a heavily…

Movie Trailer: The Ides of March (2011)

Behind every presidential hopeful, there is a driven man (or woman) who, believing in the cause whole heartedly, is busting their ass in the trenches — doing everything and anything to win. More often than not, there is also a secret stashed away that, if reported on, would ruin the chances of winning the presidency….

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