Samuel L. Jackson

Movie Review: Turbo (2013)

Just because there is a wealth of animated feature films out there does in no way mean all of them are worthy of our hard-earned bucks. Only a few are exceptional, a few more are decent, while most just float on the surface of pop culture for a few weeks as a true homage to…

Red Band Movie Trailer: Oldboy (2013)

Some, including me, would say the original Chan-wook Park “Oldboy” has no business being remade. But then again, maybe Spike Lee is on to something as the redband trailer for the remake, which was released today by FilmDistrict, actually looks good. For those not in the know, this brutal revenge tale focuses on a man…

Movie Review: Jurassic Park 3D (2013)

Jurassic Park 3D is probably one of the most hyped about films this season, and it’s easy to see why. Audiences have been raving that the film is just as thrilling as it was twenty years ago, that it absolutely begged to be converted into 3D, and that it’s an eternal testament to Steven Spielberg’s…

Movie Review: Django Unchained (2012)

Highly influential, passionately inspired, and awfully long-winded, Quentin Tarantino has amassed a filmography that is soaked in self-indulgence. He’s made some great movies regardless, but I find myself now exhausted by his work, even if at times I’m thrilled and engaged. The experience of watching a Tarantino movie tends to be a scattered one, pieces…

Movie Trailer #2: Django Unchained (2012)

The second trailer for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is here and it is better than the previous trailer released by Columbia Pictures in June. The reason for that is because Leonardo DiCaprio has extended screen time and his role as plantation owner Calvin Candie is great. Same can be said about Samuel L. Jackson in…

Movie Trailer: Django Unchained (2012)

Quentin Tarantino is damn good at revitalizing lost movie genres (“Death Proof,” “Kill Bill”) so it should come as no surprise, with Django Unchained, he’s turned his eyes to the spaghetti western. In it, the titular character Django teams up with a bounty hunter to bring to justice the outlaw Brittle brothers and to exact…

Movie Review: The Avengers (2012)

In one of the most highly-anticipated action films (or movies of ANY genre, to be honest) in years, Marvel Sudios, in conjunction with Paramount Pictures, has produced another superhero winner, and making the total worth more than the sum of its parts. Simply put, The Avengers (Marvel’s answer to DC’s Justice League), comprised of heavyweights…

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