Articles by General Disdain

The Critical Movie Critics

I'm an old, miserable fart set in his ways. Some of the things that bring a smile to my face are (in no particular order): Teenage back acne, the rain on my face, long walks on the beach and redneck women named Francis. Oh yeah, I like to watch and criticize movies.

Movie Review: The Departed (2006)

It’s been several years since anyone has mentioned Martin Scorsese in the same breath as Oscar. Yeah he was up for it with “The Aviator” in 2004 and “Gangs of New York” in 2003, but those snore fests were only nominated because everything else in the theaters sucked ostrich dick. This man gave us movies…

Movie Review: Jackass Number Two (2006)

There are many individuals in this great big world of ours that I just don’t get. Those tree-hugging, liberal faggots; those war-mongering right-wing douchebags; folk singers; those fuckwad animal conservatory guys on the Discovery Channel, et al. People I really don’t understand are those fucking insane thrill seekers who will literally do anything for a…

Movie Review: Accepted (2006)

Ahhh, the glorious days of college. Who could forget them? It’s when most men try and sleep with as many girls as possible, and for girls to find their future husbands. It’s when most men drink until they puke and when girls drink to forget about sleeping with your fat ass. Unfortunately for me, I…

Movie Review: Invincible (2006)

It’s been a while since there has been a worthwhile feel-good movie released into the theaters. Last ones that come to mind are “Rudy,” “Lucas” and who can forget, “Rocky.” “Seabiscuit” doesn’t count. Interestingly enough, the plot of Invincible follows amazingly close to “Rocky.” A Philadelphia son, down on his luck (no money, no wife,…

Movie Review: Miami Vice (2006)

Here we go again. Hollywood has once again decided to take a cheesy, campy 80’s TV show and upgrade it to the big screen. This time it isn’t “The Dukes of Hazzard,” “The Beverly Hillbillies” or “Bewitched,” it’s Miami Vice. And instead of Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas as Crockett and Tubbs, the detectives…

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