
Movie Trailer: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

In the 30 years that have passed since “Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome” you’d think that civilization would have made a more pronounced comeback to the desolate, unforgiving world dreamed up by George Miller. Thanks to Warner Brothers’ trailer for Mad Max: Fury Road we see conditions have actually gotten worse. Oil is still scarce and…

Movie Review: Hercules (2014)

In the battle of the 2014 Hercules flicks, Brett Ratner’s sly little smash-em-up, Hercules clearly emerges the victor over Renny Harlin’s unintentionally hilarious blunder, “The Legend of Hercules” from earlier in the year. This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s so much as glimpsed a shot from the cheapo origin pic or even…

Movie Review: Earth to Echo (2014)

First time full feature director Dave Green’s new film, Earth to Echo, is a science-fiction adventure for the kiddies based on an extra-terrestrial event with a theme of friendship at its heart. It was born out of producer Andrew Panay’s (producer on “Wedding Crashers“) original idea which was to try and re-capture the quintessential 1980’s…

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