Tagged novel adaptation

Movie Review: 45 Years (2015)

William Shakespeare wrote (Sonnet 116), “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O, no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken.” Though Shakespeare would not admit impediments to the marriage of true minds, Kate and Geoff Mercer in Andrew…

Movie Review: Room (2015)

Living in captivity is not so when captivity is everything you know. No cell can be bigger than the one constituting our environment, and when our whole environment consists of a small room, bigger than an average houseroom but smaller than a bachelor apartment, a shedding that has seen your birth and growth, then the…

Movie Review: Black Mass (2015)

My friend once told me a story of how he was visiting Las Vegas in the mid-1990s. He said that the person he was with, John, introduced him to a rather sharply-dressed man who told him, “Whatever you want here, just ask for it,” and then walked away. John said, “Do you know who that…

Movie Trailer: Allegiant (2016)

You know you’ve wondered what’s beyond the great wall surrounding the remains of Chicago since it was introduced in 2014’s “Divergent” and further explored in 2015’s sequel “Insurgent.” Well wonder no more as the first real glimpse into the wasteland has been delivered in Summit Entertainment’s Allegiant. It’s red. And barren. Kind of lackluster really….

Movie Review: The Curse of Downers Grove (2015)

As the title, The Curse of Downers Grove, suggests, there’s a curse on the small town of Downers Grove — each year, a senior dies in the days leading up to graduation. I incorrectly assumed the curse would be supernatural, and as soon-to-graduate high school senior Chrissie (Bella Heathcote, “Dark Shadows”) tells her friends, it’s…

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