Tagged novel adaptation

Movie Trailer: Goon (2011)

Every hockey team has an enforcer or two — a couple of guys who don’t have the best stick handling or skating skills but can kick the ass of those who do. In Goon that’s Doug Glatt. As a member of the lowly Halifax Highlanders, his responsibility is to wreak havoc on opposing teams while…

Movie Trailer: The Big Year (2011)

If not for anything else, the upcoming movie The Big Year should be entertaining just because it has a fantastic cast supporting it. It’s about three guys, each with a separate crisis — mid-life, work-life and no-life — that compete with each other in everything they do. It culminates — imagine it — at an…

Movie Trailer: The Rum Diary (2011)

Johnny Depp must be a kindred spirit to Hunter S. Thompson (as well as Tim Burton), as he is starring in his third Thompson written and/or inspired movie. The Rum Diary, for which the first trailer was released, has him playing a slightly off center journalist who moves to Puerto Rico to start afresh. While…

Movie Trailer #2: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (2011)

A second international trailer for the Cold War thriller Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy from Studio Canal and Working Title has been made available. It’s the Cold War and the Soviet’s have a high ranking mole in the British Secret Intelligence Service serving them up the most sensitive of information. With nothing seeming as it is…

Movie Review: One Day (2011)

Amidst the blood bath movies of “Conan the Barbarian” and “Fright Night” and the children’s film “Spy Kids: All the Time in the World,” One Day starring Anne Hathaway released this weekend. All summer I have seen trailers for this dramatic film and thought the premise was interesting, despite it looking like just another chick…

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