Tagged relationship

Movie Review: Knocked Up (2007)

Yeah, I know. I’m late to the game — everyone one calling themselves a critic has seen and reported on Knocked Up already. Each and everyone one of them has seemingly given it rave reviews too. They also all gave shiny, glowing reviews to “Hostel: Part II” and we all know how wrong they got…

Movie Review: Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Here it is, Spider-Man 3, the most anticipated movie of the year. As a Spider-Man fan for most of my life, I can safely say I was counting down the days for this release. After “Spider-Man 2,” I found myself yearning for more. Could the third installment best the sequel which actually bested the original…

Movie Review: The Break-Up (2006)

Again, I find myself drawn to one of those lovey-dovey movies that Hollywood simply adores. And more often then not, I find myself scratching my ass wondering what in the hell I was thinking. Guess what — this is another one of those times; but not for the reasons you might think. The Break-Up from…

Movie Review: Hitch (2005)

Every once in a while a movie comes along starring Will Smith that has the look of being good. Every once in a while that movie will actually be good. I am pleased to say that Hitch falls into the latter category. As you can tell I’m not a big fan of Will Smith. He…

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