Tagged suicide

Movie Trailer: The Ides of March (2011)

Behind every presidential hopeful, there is a driven man (or woman) who, believing in the cause whole heartedly, is busting their ass in the trenches — doing everything and anything to win. More often than not, there is also a secret stashed away that, if reported on, would ruin the chances of winning the presidency….

Movie Review: The Ledge (2011)

The Ledge was screened in New York during a stand-off between supporters and opponents of gay marriage; some journalists even believed that the city, which was one vote away from legalizing marriage equality, was on the heels on “anarchism.” Luckily, it never came that far. Coincidentally, the film, Matthew Chapman’s directorial debut (he also pens…

Movie Trailer: The Ledge (2011)

Why can’t men resist a beautiful woman? As seen in trailer for the upcoming thriller The Ledge Liv Tyler (the aforementioned woman) is at the crux of a love triangle between her God-fearing husband, Patrick Wilson, and her agnostic boss, Charlie Hunnam. It gets to an ugly head which ultimately results with Hunnam on the…

Movie Review: Chatroom (2010)

There is really but one image conjured up when one thinks about Internet Relay Chat (IRC). Predators. Men preying upon the underaged for sex. But this archaic social medium (when compared to the latest social networks) hosts other questionable types too. Some are hackers. Others pirate movies and software. And some can be described as…

Movie Review: Constantine (2005)

Ok, I’ll admit it, I went into Constantine thinking it was a pile of horseshit. Everyone I knew (and their mothers) claimed this movie sucked ass. “Shit movie,” and “Keanu Reaves can’t act,” are a few of the remarks I’ve heard. Although I can’t argue the latter opinion, I make a case on the first….

Movie Review: Hide and Seek (2005)

The basic premise of the movie: A family man takes his daughter from their city home where a tragedy had occurred, to a country cottage where all hell breaks loose. Hide and Seek has a great cast so I expected good things. Robert DeNiro still has some acting left in him. Dakota Fanning is an…

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