
Movie Review: Real Playing Game (2013)

It’s just mean to dangle an actor like Rutger Hauer in front of a fan of dark movies only to snatch him away mere minutes after the play button is pressed. With top billing and a front and center picture on the movie poster, Hauer tempts you into Real Playing Game as ailing elderly millionaire…

Movie Review: Poker Night (2014)

The problem with wisdom, we are told by a voiceover the moment Poker Night begins, is that you only get it after you need it. Hindsight, similarly, is like looking into a rear view mirror, unable to see what you’re going through until you’ve already passed it. Now that we know how important those words…

Movie Trailer: The Fantastic Four (2015)

A good comic book property can’t sit idle for long, nor should it. Having waited an eternity (eight years) 20th Century Fox is finally poised to forget about 2007’s “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” and reboot their family of superheroes with The Fantastic Four. Unfortunately, much of it appears to be an origin…

Movie Review: A Most Violent Year (2014)

J. C. Chandor’s New York drama, A Most Violent Year, is a misleadingly titled film, as its timeframe only covers a month and there is very little physical violence. While the title references the exceptionally high crime rate of New York in 1981, the film itself is an intriguing study of different types of violence,…

Movie Trailer: Ant-Man (2015)

Well, it’s here. The trailer for Marvel’s Ant-Man that was teased by the ant-sized (and ant-brained, if you ask me) teaser trailer last week is here. But don’t expect much from it other than the film’s star, Paul Rudd, sporting a perplexed look for most of it, Michael Douglas looking a lot like his father…

Movie Review: American Sniper (2014)

American Sniper is more intent on creating a hero out of Chris Kyle, reportedly the most lethal sniper in U.S. military history, than it is on being an unbiased character study; to be fair, the film was based on Kyle’s eponymous memoir, which wasn’t the most objective of the Iraq War either. So obviously it…

Movie Review: Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

Ridley Scott’s Exodus: Gods and Kings may be light on characterization and depth, but it is abundant in atmosphere and scene-to-scene, gripping drama. It’s biblical by nature, and although it does not delve as far as some would like into the lives of Moses or Ramses II, it is well-intentioned, thought-provoking and flashy. The CGI,…

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