
Movie Review: Snowpiercer (2013)

“A blockbuster production with a devilishly unpredictable plot” one of the film’s characters says in a different context, but these words might as well be used when describing Snowpiercer. Based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige, Joon-ho Bong’s latest film marks the South Korean director’s English-language debut. The story is set in a future…

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

A studio-mandated sequel to a weak-at-best film only made to hold onto the rights to a cash cow property, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is a movie so pre-packaged and risk-averse that the only surprise it holds comes from the fact it is, against all odds, even worse than this dubious pedigree would suggest. Scotch taped…

Movie Review: Noah (2014)

Giant rock creatures? A bevy of clichés? Another awful performance from Emma Watson? So this is what a biblical epic looks like in the new millennium. It’s also what Darren Aronofsky looks like with a big budget. Neither is very encouraging. Well, except for the rock monsters, of course. Aronofsky’s Noah is a non-traditional take…

Movie Review: The Raid 2 (2014)

Although its number of detractors seems to have increased as of recently, I remain steadfast in my fandom of “The Raid: Redemption,” the Indonesian martial arts movie that became a cult sensation upon its release on Western shores thanks to its brutal action and fluid camerawork that brilliantly captured its already stellar fight choreography. Single-minded…

Movie Trailer: Jupiter Ascending (2014)

Jupiter is the “One.” Maybe not in quite the way Neo was the “One” in the Wachowski’s “Matrix” series, but she is definitely a game changer in the Wachowski’s upcoming science fiction action movie Jupiter Ascending. And like in “The Matrix” what she can become frightens those in power. It’s got all the makings of…

Movie Trailer #2: X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

With mutants on the edge of extinction due to their systematic elimination by the Sentinel program, long-time enemies Professor X (Patrick Stewart) and Magneto (Ian McKellen) realize the only way forward for their survival is to unite themselves in the past. The man to convince their younger selves (James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, respectively) this…

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