
Movie Trailer: The Thing (2011)

Replacing Kurt Russell with Mary Elizabeth Winstead? That’s gotta be counted as a strike against the remake of The Thing. Then again, maybe she has an inner Sigourney Weaver she can channel. From the first theatrical trailer which has debuted today, we can’t be sure. Unfortunately, there aren’t any instances of her directly confronting the…

Movie Review: Wasted On The Young (2010)

In a word: Intriguing. In a few more, Wasted On The Young is an ardent revenge film that shows substance and style in some areas, but appears to have bitten off more than it can chew in others. This little-known Australian film continues to follow the trend in the local film industry. That is, for…

Movie Trailer: Flypaper (2011)

One bank. Two gangs of bank robbers. Same time and day. That makes for one helluva scenario, especially when crafted in the hands of the boys who wrote “The Hangover.” As the trailer for Flypaper shows, it gets awfully complicated and comical — one gang is made up of professional thieves, the other is a…

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