
Movie Review: Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

As the acting Captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, Hikaru Sulu (John Cho, “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas”) barked orders at an incorrigible outlaw of the Federation, John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch, “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy”), chills ran down my spine, and I sat in awe of the radiant visual effects. But that was no…

Movie Trailer #2: Pacific Rim (2013)

I’ve shied away from trailer overload (some films are getting five to ten trailers nowadays) but I couldn’t pass on the latest trailer for Pacific Rim. It may not be as good as the action fueled WonderCon footage released a month back (I’ve embedded that below since I didn’t post when it first became available)…

Movie Review: Kon-Tiki (2012)

The Andean story of how the world was created by a tall white, blue eyed man with long blond-reddish hair and beard who arose from Lake Titicaca in Bolivia has been passed down by word of mouth through generations of South American Indians. Known to the Aymaras as Viracocha (he was also called Kon-Tiki), Quetzalcoatl…

Movie Review: The Great Gatsby (2013)

If Terrence Malick is the master of the unnecessary voiceover, and Ang Lee is the master of the unnecessary split screen, then surely Baz Luhrmann is the unequaled master of the unnecessary — and over-the-top — mix of garish glitz, flash and explosive cinematechnics. His latest, The Great Gatsby, an ambitious tackling of the 1925…

Movie Review: Iron Man 3 (2013)

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) can’t sleep in Shane Black’s Iron Man 3 and that should tell you plenty about where we’re headed as Marvel rounds the home plate in its triumphant wrap-up to Phase 1 of its universe. The self-described “genius billionaire playboy philanthropist” is beset by anxiety attacks and bad dreams, attempting to…

Movie Review: Mud (2012)

Set on a mighty river in rural Arkansas, Mud tells the story of teenage boys Ellis (Tye Sheridan) and Neckbone (Jacob Lofland) forming an unlikely bond with a mysterious fugitive called, Mud (Matthew McConaughey). Exploring the forest to see if the recent flood really did leave a boat up in a tree, they find not…

Movie Trailer: Thor: The Dark World (2013)

The Norse God of Thunder is back in action in the trailer for Thor: The Dark World. Taking place after the events of “The Avengers,” Thor (Chris Hemsworth reprising his role) is now tasked with staving off a darkness that threatens the universe. To help him repeal the wave of Dark Elves led by the…

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