Tagged aliens

Movie Review: The World’s End (2013)

The “Cornetto Trilogy”, as people started calling it when the prospect of a third film reared its head and we all patiently sat through “Paul,” is surely something to be studied. If you don’t like “Shaun of the Dead,” people treat you like you’re some soulless homunculi poorly imitating human opinion, and with good reason….

Movie Review: Pacific Rim (2013)

Laden with clamorous battle scenes, sweeping visual effects and a fairly conventional storyline, Pacific Rim delivers in its appeal but lingers dangerously close to the entrance to the vault of forgettable, inconsequential summer films. That’s mostly due to the fact this — in the most simplistic of analogies — “Godzilla” meets “Transformers” movie suffers from…

Movie Trailer #2: Pacific Rim (2013)

I’ve shied away from trailer overload (some films are getting five to ten trailers nowadays) but I couldn’t pass on the latest trailer for Pacific Rim. It may not be as good as the action fueled WonderCon footage released a month back (I’ve embedded that below since I didn’t post when it first became available)…

Movie Trailer: The World’s End (2013)

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have teamed up again (finally) for Focus Features’ The World’s End. The double entendre title represents not only the end of mankind but is also the name of the bar at the end of a pub crawl, friends — Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman, Paddy Considine and Eddie Marsan…

Movie Review: Oblivion (2013)

In choppy, frizzed, black and white video, Sally, a boisterous leader with a southern drawl asks, “Are you still an effective team?” Agreeably, the woman on the other end of the line, Victoria, responds with a nod and Sally labors forward with technical orders. But I too, can respond to this inquiry in agreement. Director…

Movie Review: The Host (2013)

It’s been done, this whole alien taking over a human’s body thing in movies. It’s been done and done better. The concept goes back at least to the 1950s with “The Thing from Another World” and the original “Invasion of the Body Snatchers.” Now, for the umpteenth time, we get the same premise — only…

Movie Review: Dark Skies (2013)

If sci-fi movies have taught us anything, it’s that aliens tend to paint their allegiances in black and white. There’s no middle ground between the amiable charm of “E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial” and the acid-spewing nastiness of the vicious xenomorphs that terrorize the humans in “Alien.” Occupying each end of the spectrum, aliens tend to be…

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