Tagged friends

Movie Trailer: The Family Tree (2010)

And you thought your family was a dysfunctional mess. Take a look at the Burnett family. They’re majorly screwed up and while everyone in the clan has their respective quirk, the trailer for The Family Tree makes it appear that the mother is the cause of the bulk of the familial issues. But after mom…

Movie Review: Horrible Bosses (2011)

In Seth Gordon’s (“Freakonomics,” “The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters”) Horrible Bosses, you’ll meet the tool (Colin Farrell), the psycho (Kevin Spacey), and the man-eater (Jennifer Aniston), three higher-ups that make their employee’s lives a living hell. First in line is Bobby Pellitt, the son of Jack Pellitt (Donald Sutherland) and the heir…

Movie Review: Cars 2 (2011)

Lightning McQueen: Mater, you ARE the bomb. Never have truer words been spoken in a movie, and never have I had the displeasure to pronounce a Pixar film a failure — until now. Cars 2, the sequel to the 2005 runaway animated hit “Cars,” misfires on so many cylinders, it becomes a huge lemon long…

Movie Trailer #4: The Muppets (2011)

The parody teaser trailers are done (at least for the moment). Disney has finally released the first theatrical trailer for my new most anticipated movie of 2011 — The Muppets. This trailer promises a movie filled with action, adventure, heroes and driving. All of that and more is being done to save the world renowned…

Movie Trailer #3: The Muppets (2011)

If Disney wasn’t doing this so well, this would get old super fast. Today, they released a 3rd teaser trailer for The Muppets titled “Being Green.” In this one, the play is on the upcoming “Green Lantern” flick, which, coincidentally, features a green guy. A major take away from this trailer is the promise that…

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