Tagged novel adaptation

Movie Review: Next (2007)

Let me start of by saying that the most memorable part of Next is Nicolas Cage’s hair. I kept thinking of the Nick Nolte mug shot when he got caught for a DUI. My main reason to go watch this movie was for Jessica Biel but I just ended up wasting some $10 on a ticket…

Movie Review: Shooter (2007)

Time for a kick-ass action movie — the first of 2007. This time around we’ve got Jason Bourne, going after some bad-ass government officials who have wronged him . . . oops, I’m sorry I’ve got the movie confused. I’m supposed to be reviewing Shooter and I’ve started to review “The Bourne Identity!” I’ve got…

Movie Review: Zodiac (2007)

I was fortunate enough to get couple of tickets to go watch Zodiac on a Saturday night. I saw the trailer of this movie a few months ago and was very excited to see this one because of the director and the cast. Well it seemed that all that build up was for nothing, I was…

Movie Review: Bridge to Terabithia (2007)

Preconceived notions are like mother nature — a bitch. Especially to someone who likens themselves to an unbiased critic. So with a heavy heart, I admit, I went into the theater to see Bridge to Terabithia thinking it was going to be a weak runner-up to “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and…

Movie Review: Casino Royale (2006)

One of my favorite movie franchises has got to be James Bond. The man has it all — fine clothes, awesome gadgets, skills in every study known to man, kick-ass cars and of course, smoking hot chicks who line up to screw him. Who wouldn’t want to emulate that? However, it is with some skepticism,…

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