Tagged superheroes

Movie Review: Suicide Squad (2016)

The DC Extended Cinematic Universe continues. In what seems to be the penultimate comic book movie of the year, David Ayer (“End of Watch,” “Fury”) has the task of selling an unknown quantity to mass audiences, while also following the path of the controversial “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” I have the good fortune…

Movie Trailer: Justice League (2017)

DC is making a splash at Comic-Con this year dropping a “Wonder Woman” tease as well as quick look at Justice League. This particular tease is light on the plot, but it does do a good job introducing most of the new heroes that will comprise the superhero squad. I say most of because Aquaman…

Movie Review: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Just as conflict breaks out in Captain America: Civil War, so is the film itself somewhat conflicted. On a narrative level, it must balance its own story with that of the ongoing Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), continuing established plot lines and characters while also setting up future elements. Stylistically, it has the challenge of presenting…

Movie Trailer: Doctor Strange (2016)

The Marvel Cinematic Universe keeps marching forward, even with, as some would say, their lesser echelon characters leading the way. In this case it’s Stephen Strange, coming at us in the upcoming fantasy tale, Doctor Strange. How exactly he’s going to fit into the MCU puzzle is still a closely guarded secret, but one thing…

Movie Trailer #2: Captain America: Civil War (2016)

There’s been a Spider-Man sighting! That’ll be the headline from this second trailer for Marvel’s upcoming Captain America: Civil War, but there’s more to it than that. For one Black Panther is a bona fide bad ass. He gets himself a healthy does of screen time in this to show his speed, agility and strength….

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