
Movie Review: Pompeii (2014)

Paul W.S. Anderson might just be the very avatar of filmmaking mediocrity. Starting with the legendarily bad “Mortal Kombat” adaptation and working his way up a bit from there, he’s made a living off churning out genre films not awful enough to be memorable, but just bad in enough noticeable, glaring ways to make for…

Movie Review: That Awkward Moment (2014)

Anyone who has been in a relationship, in one form or another, should be able to recall that sometimes uncomfortable realization when their casual dating had become something more serious. Jason (Zac Efron, “The Lucky One”), in That Awkward Moment, has dubbed that instant when a girl asks, “So, am I your girlfriend now?,” or…

Movie Review: Her (2013)

You don’t need to have a master’s in communications to be aware that technology fundamentally changes the way human beings interact with one another, and by extension, changes the way we conduct our relationships. From vehicles allowing distances that would previously take weeks to traverse to be cleared in a matter of hours, to the…

Movie Review: Frozen (2013)

In a world of ice, Disney finds great warmth. It’s the sort of cutesy irony that sounds like it should be coated in sugar, but with Frozen, Disney takes the sweet concept and transforms it into their most poignant and powerful picture in over a decade. Or nearly even two decades if you consider that…

Movie Trailer: Pompeii (2014)

If I didn’t read otherwise, I’d swear Roland Emmerich was the director behind FilmDistrict’s upcoming film Pompeii. Why? Well because it’s got his trademarks all over it, including his oft-criticized, over-the-top, CGIed-to-death disaster sequence. Apparently, however, Paul W.S. Anderson, director of such bombastic outings like “Resident Evil: Retribution” and “The Three Musketeers” asked to borrow…

Movie Review: Don Jon (2013)

With his directorial debut, Don Jon (for which he was also the screenwriter), Joseph Gordon-Levitt has certainly proven he’s a man of many talents. The film itself is not without its flaws, but for a first venture behind the camera rather than in front of it, Don Jon reminds us that throughout his career, Gordon-Levitt…

Movie Trailer: Tarzan (2013)

So long as Peter Jackson continues to get motion capture right with his LOTR and Hobbit films, other directors will continue to try to employ it. Such is the case with Reinhard Klooss and his upcoming film, Tarzan. It is probably not the best choice to use it, but he nevertheless does, mixing in elements…

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