
Movie Trailer: Need for Speed (2014)

Well, I suppose another “Fast and Furious” franchise only with hotter cars and no Vin Diesel can’t be all that bad. Or can it? I’m on the fence after watching the first trailer for DreamWorks’ upcoming Need for Speed. Based on the wildly popular Electronic Arts video game, it stars Aaron Paul (of “Breaking Bad”…

Movie Trailer: Grudge Match (2013)

Well now I’ve seen it all. In Warner Bros. upcoming sporting comedy, Grudge Match two 70-year old men are putting on the gloves and duking it out in the ring. Okay, technically only one of them is 70 (that being Robert De Niro) and the other, Sylvester Stallone, is only a sprite 67 but you…

Movie Review: The Grandmaster (2013)

Most famous and renowned for his passionate tales of romance, Kar Wai Wong still seems like an inspired fit for Chinese martial arts moviemaking. The beloved director has a lyrical control of tone and atmosphere, can precisely pace a picture, and has exhibited careful control of the camera. The challenge of melding artful storytelling with…

Movie Trailer: RoboCop (2014)

The ultimate police officer is finally on showcase in the long awaited trailer for RoboCop. This remake basically follows the same story as the 1987 original which saw Detroit police office Alex J. Murphy (then played by Peter Weller; now played by Joel Kinnaman) brought back into service to fight crime and corruption as a…

Movie Trailer: 47 Ronin (2013)

Today Universal Pictures has released yet another trailer for the upcoming samurai flick 47 Ronin this time forgoing story to ramp up the film’s mysticism and trot out a bevy of enemy monsters worthy of a good sword fight. Taking more of the center stage this time around is Mizuki (Rinko Kikuchi) as the dragon-shifting…

Movie Review: Getaway (2013)

I think the first order of business after completing this review would be to sue Warner Brothers, as well as other makers of this film for long-term effects of seizures due to the constant and — at times — almost unbearably shaky, vibrating and just plain jumpy “Cloverfield“-like camera work employed by director Courtney Solomon…

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