Movie Review: Nurse 3D (2013)

The plot of Nurse 3D is clearly spelled out in the beginning of the movie when a sluttily dressed woman named Abigail Russell seduces a married man at a bar, slices open his femoral artery and pushes him over a roof ledge while saucily confessing to the audience she does things like this to cleanse…

Movie Trailer: Tammy (2014)

Melissa McCarthy is back doing what she does best — acting outrageous and profane. Okay, you won’t notice the profane from this first trailer for New Line Cinema’s Tammy but let me assure you, come redband trailer time it’ll be there. She plays the titular character who goes through a series of misadventures when she…

Movie Review: Cuban Fury (2014)

Cuban Fury is, among other things, the result of a drunken email in which Nick Frost asked his producer if she thought a movie in which he dances would be a good idea. Evidently she did, and so the film came about. It prescribes very much to Nick Frost’s style of humor, but many are…

Movie Review: August: Osage County (2013)

When it comes to tales of familial strife, movies sure love to put the fun in dysfunctional. But in the dark, depressing August: Osage County, the Weston family settles for nothing less than the whole word. There’s nothing particularly fun about this group, not when it’s just matriarch Violet (Meryl Streep) screaming at patriarch Beverly…

Red Band Movie Trailer: Sabotage (2014)

Violence is at an all time high (along with some boobs) in the latest trailer for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Sabotage (which obviously explains the trailer being redbanded). His team of elite agents routinely put the hurt on drug cartels but sometimes the tables get turned. One by one his team is targeted for execution, causing distrust…

Movie Review: That Awkward Moment (2014)

Anyone who has been in a relationship, in one form or another, should be able to recall that sometimes uncomfortable realization when their casual dating had become something more serious. Jason (Zac Efron, “The Lucky One”), in That Awkward Moment, has dubbed that instant when a girl asks, “So, am I your girlfriend now?,” or…

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