Tagged novel adaptation

Movie Review: Lawless (2012)

For a movie about moonshine makers, you’d think Lawless might have a bit of a kick. And maybe some flavor. But no, this poorly calculated picture is devoid of such pleasures, instead settling for a generic blandness. At best, it’s like eating a sock. You’ll be craving some of that bottled moonshine being passed around…

Movie Trailer: Cloud Atlas (2012)

The first full theatrical trailer for the Wachowskis’ (with Tom Tykwer) Cloud Atlas has arrived and as much as it dazzles it confuses. The story, adapted from a novel by David Mitchell, intertwines many story arcs that range from prehistoric times to millennia into the future all played by the same actors in differing (but…

Movie Review: Savages (2012)

Subtlety has always been a foreign concept to Oliver Stone, even back when he was in great form, so it’s not exactly surprising when various characters make a pitiful attempt at thematic commentary by blatantly spitting out the title in Stone’s latest movie, a wobbly, wandering drug dealers vs. cartels thriller. But while a few…

Movie Trailer: Life of Pi (2012)

Today 20th Century Fox has released the first full trailer for Ang Lee’s Life of Pi. Based on Yann Martel’s bestselling novel, it is a coming of age story of sorts for a young boy named Pi. In it he must come to terms with the loss of his family and livelihood in, of all…

Movie Trailer: Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)

Ever wondered how the great wizard of Oz arrived and rose to power? Well wonder no more as Walt Disney Pictures has posted the first trailer for Oz: The Great and Powerful. In it, Oz, a small-time magician with dreams of grandeur, is whisked away to the wondrous land of fairies, munchkins and witches. Here…

Movie Trailer: Cosmopolis (2012)

En route to getting a haircut in his seductive stretch limo, a young playboy billionaire witnesses his life get threatened, his personal worth precipitously drop after a risky bet and all sorts of anarchistic demonstrations in the streets. If you ask me, that’s just New York City. For David Cronenberg there’s a thread connecting it…

Movie Trailer: Goats (2012)

I don’t believe a coming of age movie has ever been presented quite like this. In Goats, Ellis has learned the ways of the world from his hippie mother and a man who has the tendency to bleat like a goat, aptly named “Goat Man.” These teachings have served him well enough for the past…

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