Articles by General Disdain

The Critical Movie Critics

I'm an old, miserable fart set in his ways. Some of the things that bring a smile to my face are (in no particular order): Teenage back acne, the rain on my face, long walks on the beach and redneck women named Francis. Oh yeah, I like to watch and criticize movies.

Movie Review: TMNT (2007)

Has it really been 14 years since the freaky, full-sized, mutant turtles graced us with the presence on the silver screen? Yeppers, the last time I saw them it was in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III” (I’m not counting television cartoons or straight-to-DVD titles). I’m obviously out of the loop since a great deal of…

Movie Review: Black Snake Moan (2007)

Oh boy. A black man holding a chain that is wrapped tightly around a petite, white girl. That’s all I knew about Black Snake Moan going into the theater. Nothing about a plot, nothing about content — just a picture of Samuel L. Jackson with an enslaved Christina Ricci. Exploitation at it’s finest! This has…

Movie Review: Fido (2007)

It’s been awhile since a zombie movie offered us something different. Usually, the movie will focus on a band of people trying like hell to survive an onslaught of flesh hungry living dead. While still the same premise “Dawn of the Dead” reinvigorated the genre with updated special effects and surprisingly mobile zombies. “Shaun of…

Movie Review: Outlaw (2007)

To be perfectly honest, there was no rhyme or reason as to why I decided to watch this movie. It has little to no fanfare, no actors I particularly like and it’s British. The last British movie I enjoyed was the classic from 2004, “Shaun of the Dead.” Before that, I can’t recall. I do…

Movie Review: 300 (2007)

Where do I begin? After all the initial movie reviews and hype surrounding the opening of 300 what else is there to say? Let me begin, by saying the movie definitely lives up to the fervor surrounding it. You want action? You got it. You want crazy, vivid battle scenes? You got it. You want…

Movie Review: Breach (2007)

I remember almost like it was yesterday when the news flashed that a traitor to the United States, Robert Hanssen, was caught selling classified secrets to the USSR/Russia. I recall thinking, “why did it take so long to catch this scumbag” and “why would someone sell their country out?”. And what do you know, six…

Movie Review: Wild Hogs (2007)

How many of us have wanted to drop everything on our plates and head out into the sunset, into the unknown, without a care in the world? I for one have — hell I’ve actually done it (when I was much much younger) and recommend everyone give it a try. It definitely replenishes the tank….

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