Epic Pictures Group

Movie Review: The Fare (2019)

The Fare starts as your standard “Groundhog Day” fare (pun entirely intended). Every time cab driver Harris (Gino Anthony Pesi, “42”) hits his lever, he is thrust into another 20-minute time loop. Every time, he picks up Penny (Brinna Kelly, “The Midnight Man”), drives awhile, and then she vanishes and it begins again. What in…

Movie Review: Harpoon (2019)

Rob Grant’s Harpoon is another entry in the perennial argumentative-people-stranded-on-a-boat sub-genre, and it’s a cut above the average. It is, however, a stranger to subtlety, and juvenile at times, but it’s never boring and consistently bold in its narrative choices. Take the opening scene for example. Richard (Christopher Gray, “The Mist” TV series) storms over…

Movie Review: Turbo Kid (2015)

Post-apocalyptic times call for post-apocalyptic measures. The end of all ends elicits from us a fear that is as primal as it is endless. If it is true that individual death is a fear we all share — and a destiny we all shall fulfill — it is just as true that there is a…

Movie Trailer #2: 11-11-11 (2011)

The second theatrical trailer for the supernatural induced Armageddon film 11-11-11 is now online. In it, an American widower begins to unveil clues to a coming invasion of demons to our Earthly realm. Finding himself alone and in a foreign land, he works feverishly to get believed and put together a plan to stop the…

Movie Trailer: 11-11-11 (2011)

Numerology is the study of the mystical relationship between numbers and existence. Some numbers are seen as good, others not so much. Samuel believes the number 11 has significance in his life in Darren Lynn Bousman’s (Saw III, Saw IV) new horror film 11-11-11, for which the first theatrical trailer has been made available. Invoking…

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