
Movie Review: Wolves (2014)

A little too late to cash in on the “Twilight” trend, but perhaps what fans of the genre need, Wolves brings the young adult audience front and center once again, despite the recent decline in vampire and werewolf themed movies. It has everything it needs to appeal to such a crowd, and yet will probably…

Movie Review: Default (2014)

You know when you love the idea of something, but tend to be disappointed by the way that idea is put into practice? That’s how I feel about found-footage films. “The Blair Witch Project” perfectly exemplified the genre; since then, more or less, I believe it has gone downhill. In many such movies, I find…

Movie Trailer: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Leaked earlier in the day and having no chance in getting the cat back into the bag, Marvel has decided to officially release their teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron. In this sequel to “The Avengers,” Earth’s Mightiest Heroes regroup to fight to save the planet. Again. The supervillain this time is Ultron, an…

Movie Review: Fury (2014)

The story of Fury is harsh, straightforward, swift and breathtaking. And it is remarkable to bear witness to Don ‘Wardaddy’ Collier (Brad Pitt, “World War Z”) leading a Sherman tank crew through the German countryside toward Berlin in spring of 1945. The aesthetic qualities too are remarkably immersive — from the .50 caliber anti-tank fire…

Movie Review: Dracula Untold (2014)

As a screen icon, Dracula has been reinvented over and over again. And many more overs. He’s been everyone from Bela Lugosi to Judas Iscariot and fought veteran vampire killers that range from the brilliant Buffy to the middling Blade at his lamest. He’s drawn the acute attention of such filmmaking masters as Murnau and…

Movie Trailer: American Sniper (2014)

Intense is one way to describe the trailer for Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper. Heartbreaking is another, as we see the incredibly difficult life or death choices left to Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) to make in the theater of war. As with “Lone Survivor,” this film is based on the memoirs of the actual…

Movie Trailer: Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)

The stories in the Bible are some of the best to bring to life on screen and Ridley Scott knows a thing or two about breathing life into pictures of epic proportions. The two meet in 20th Century Fox’s upcoming drama, Exodus: Gods and Kings. It starts as a personal tale involving the division of…

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