IFC Films

Movie Review: Anesthesia (2015)

Times are tough. These times I mean. Or rather, Tim Blake Nelson does, or seems to do in his Anesthesia. These are times of self-absorbing, self-imbibing, self-obsessed selfishness from which we’re constantly trying to tell ourselves apart — unwittingly remitting ourselves to the badlands of choice wherein our decisions continue to be ruled by self-interest…

Movie Review: Time Out of Mind (2014)

There’s no place like home . . . unless you’re someone who tries to deny your own when you need it the most. That’s the conundrum in which we find George Hammond, an aging nomadic man, who’s seemingly unaware of his own bleak reality as he tries to survive in the cold and vast streets…

Movie Review: Sleeping With Other People (2015)

“So, where is this going?” Those are the five dreaded words every romantic relationship will wrestle with in order to figure out the identity and destiny between its two prospective lovers. Also, it just happens to be the central question behind writer-director Leslye Headland’s new romantic comedy-drama (her feature directorial debut was “Bachelorette” in 2012…

Movie Review: The Hallow (2015)

In The Hallow, a couple and their infant son move into an old house that borders a mysterious Irish forest thought to be of malevolent disposition. Spoiler alert: It truly is. There are vengeful beings living in those woods, and they’re none to pleased to have the family traipsing about. Adam and Clare Hitchens (Joseph…

Movie Review: Backcountry (2014)

The great outdoors can be a dangerous place, especially if you’re an idiot. That seems to be the prevailing message loudly stomping around the surface of Adam MacDonald’s man-vs-nature thriller Backcountry. It’s the kind of jangly fright flick that appears to be about bad things happening to good people, but actually turns out to be…

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