
Movie Review: Rampage (2018)

There is no missing the ubiquitous presence of muscular megastar Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in the hearty mix of action-packed spectacles that seem to pop up on the big screen at an alarming rate. The heralded Hollywood hotshot has in recent years, with larger-than-life charm and muscles, convincingly taken over the mantle of being the…

Movie Review: Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story has all the right intentions — meteoric pacing, a clear narrative arc, an extension of the space opera genre, a talented ensemble and a robust visual effects budget. What’s more, it boasts one of the most likable characters in modern cinematic history: Han Solo (now played by Alden…

Movie Review: Show Dogs (2018)

Pixar changed the game. They’ve set the standard for modern family-friendly entertainment as computer-generated animation that hypnotizes the eyes with artistic seduction while engaging the mind with thought-provoking themes. Any new family-oriented film that lacks the layers of imagination, innovation and intrigue, can be considered a waste of precious time. Sadly, Show Dogs falls into…

Movie Review: Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Over the past decade, Marvel Studios have proved time and again their mastery of the superhero genre. Central to this success is the combination of superhero tropes with other genres: World War II film with “Captain America: The First Avenger,” conspiracy thriller with “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” heist movie with “Ant-Man,” high school comedy…

Movie Trailer: Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

The restless nights for “Star Wars” fans are over because the first full trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story is here, arriving from a galaxy far far away. In it, Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) is, at least initially, just your basic ship pilot, looking for intergalactic adventure and to put some coin in his…

Movie Review: Tomb Raider (2018)

Video game movies have sucked for decades, so when a kind of good one comes along, it arrives with the benefit of basement-dwelling expectations. This could be the explanation for why Roar Uthaug’s lean, lithe reboot Tomb Raider is so clearly silly and yet strangely satisfying at the same time. Or perhaps the movie works…

Movie Review: Ready Player One (2018)

Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One is nothing short of biblical for the pop culture enthusiast. More surprisingly, however, is the engaging narrative and even the likable cast of (young) characters. The expensive movie ran Warner Bros. $175 million, but Spielberg’s project does reap the benefits of that expense — with stellar CGI and a virtual…

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