
Movie Trailer: Ender’s Game (2013)

A new (and supposedly final) trailer for the sci-fi actioner Ender’s Game is now available for viewing. Within, fans of the bestselling novel will find an improved array of dizzying visuals to support the tale of the life and death struggle of the human race. Asa Butterfield appears more stoic in this trailer as well…

Movie Review: The Wolverine (2013)

He clawed his way to the top of the superhero cinema heap more than a decade ago, back when Marvel properties were just starting their big screen takeover, but that’s a height Wolverine hasn’t reached in years. The lovably rugged X-Man had the misfortune of participating in the stinker “X-Men: The Last Stand” in 2006…

Movie Review: Premium Rush (2012)

In a world where we’re used to seeing entire months — sometimes even years — unfold on screen in the space of a couple of hours, you wouldn’t expect a film that takes 90 minutes to show us only 90 minutes worth of action to be particularly exciting. Think again. Director and co-writer David Koepp…

Movie Trailer: Gravity (2013)

“No one can hear you scream in space.” That tagline (or something along those lines) belongs to another movie, but it also applies to Alfonso Cuarón’s upcoming science-fiction thriller Gravity. It spotlights the life and death struggle of two astronauts — played by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney — who are stuck in space after…

Movie Review: Red 2 (2013)

Lightning doesn’t often strike twice in the same place, and that goes double for film sequels. Those expecting this newest DC Entertainment release, Red 2, to capture the same feel as its 2010 predecessor, “Red,” will be a bit disappointed, although it is safe to write that the sting will not be too great as…

Movie Review: Museum Hours (2012)

“The real voyage of discovery lies in not seeing new landscapes but in having new eyes” – Marcel Proust Jem Cohen’s Museum Hours moves art beyond the confines of a stuffy museum and takes it out into the streets of Vienna where its profound observations make irrelevant the artificial distinction between art and life. Cohen…

Movie Review: Pacific Rim (2013)

Laden with clamorous battle scenes, sweeping visual effects and a fairly conventional storyline, Pacific Rim delivers in its appeal but lingers dangerously close to the entrance to the vault of forgettable, inconsequential summer films. That’s mostly due to the fact this — in the most simplistic of analogies — “Godzilla” meets “Transformers” movie suffers from…

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